مجموعة الإدارة العمانية تدعوكم لحضور ختام فعالياتها لهذا الفصل الدراسي
( خريف 2010) ...

Every day we wake up and we here about a new car accident. Is it a regular thing that we have to adapt with? How about our souls? Believe me our souls worth much than to be wasted in a car accident. Our country "
And our aim is to let each single citizen be aware of the big damage that might occur if this didn't stop.
Both physical damages and emotional damages are attached to car accidents. If you passed away, you always keep someone who cries on you. Do you want to cause emotional damages to all who love you? Am sure you don't. You just need to remember that whenever and wherever you go, definitely there is some one waiting for you back home.
The main and most important issue regarding car accidents in
How can a driver lower the amount of stress he has? Actually being mindful could be the main reason to be less stressed. I believe that if Omani drivers become mindful, the number of car accidents will become much lower. Each driver should learn how to manage their time, themselves and stress. Management is not just a concept to know about, management is an important tool to implement to gain mindfulness. To be mindful you need to give a much higher value to your present rather than to your past and future. For example, if you finished your work and you are in your car driving don't think about the work you have done in the morning and don't think about what you are going to do when you arrive home. If you are in your car driving, live in the moment. Enjoy the views of the nature. Enjoy the sun, the trees and birds and remember each moment of your life is valuable. The distance from your work to home is the same and will be the same, so try to enjoy it. By doing that you will not only help your mind but also it will affect your physical wellbeing. The historical Buddha said:" the secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly".
All in all, being mindful is not that much difficult just take your way and start. We should not wait for a change to come, we ourselves should be the first steep of change. Creating a safer environment that fits with our needs and expectations should be our duty.
By: Shaima AL-Hooti……83638
A member of achievers team in
Instructor: Dr. Frank Renand